
Showing posts from December, 2020

Basic nursing school supplies

 Hellooo wonderful people, If you have read the all about me page you will see that I am going to be a nurse. These are the basic supplies that are either need or are very helpful. I have done quite a bit of research on these items and have purchased most of them.  I am not going to include books or uniforms because every university may require different things. However, I will tell you what my uniform looks like that my school required. I had to get from a very specific store black scrub tops and bottoms. They told us that we had to go buy all white leather shoes. There are many different styles out there that you can purchase, I have not yet decided which ones I will yet get. 1) A stethoscope- I have done a lot of research on this one and the most common stethoscope is a Littmann classic 3. This stethoscope comes in many different colors and three different types of finishes. I have to say that I absolutely love my Littman, I can hear things through it very easily. I got mine all bla

Christmas dinner ideas

 I have lived through manyyyy Christmas' and these are all personal favorites. If I have the recipe I will either have it linked or I will have it written down. Hope these ideas help you! For Christmas eve dinner my family would make honey with brown sugar ham as the main meat. ( We also would make a fried turkey. Some of my relatives would bake a turkey and stuff it instead of having a fried turkey. So for the sides (southern addition), we have our mash potatoes, green beans, sweet potato casserole, rolls, cranberry sauce ( and we have bread stuffing. Where I live this is the most common Christmas dinner.  For the drinks, there is a gingerbread snap alcoholic beverage that you can only find that type of syrup during this time of year. ( ) My grandmother will ma

How to get a 4.0 GPA

All throughout high school I have had a 4.0 GPA. So here are some of the most vital tips that have worked for me and could possibly work for you.  Overall, you need to set reachable goals. Like make a list of the ultimate goal, then list all the things you have to do to get there. You have to walk before you can run. So you have to learn to walk by taking baby steps to accomplish a 4.0. Start off by getting a piece of paper and as the header write down your ultimate goal. After that, on all the little lines write down all the things you would have to do to get there. In college, you have to also write down how they are weighted because it is a lot different from high school.  Secondly, you have to go to class and I cannot stress this enough! When you go to class actually pay attention too. Sometimes you think since it may be "easy" then you will automatically get a good grade, well, your not right. There have been many times that you will think oh it's an easy class that