How to get a 4.0 GPA

All throughout high school I have had a 4.0 GPA. So here are some of the most vital tips that have worked for me and could possibly work for you. 

Overall, you need to set reachable goals. Like make a list of the ultimate goal, then list all the things you have to do to get there. You have to walk before you can run. So you have to learn to walk by taking baby steps to accomplish a 4.0. Start off by getting a piece of paper and as the header write down your ultimate goal. After that, on all the little lines write down all the things you would have to do to get there. In college, you have to also write down how they are weighted because it is a lot different from high school. 

Secondly, you have to go to class and I cannot stress this enough! When you go to class actually pay attention too. Sometimes you think since it may be "easy" then you will automatically get a good grade, well, your not right. There have been many times that you will think oh it's an easy class that I won't have to do anything in, and you end up making a C or lower because you had this mindset. 

Third, have the mindset that in all the classes you will have to put 110% on. I have this mindset with all of my classes for many reasons. One reason is that when you do things sometimes to the extreme you can get extra credit without asking. There have been many times I have outdone my projects and got extra credit even though I never asked and they never said they would give any. Secondly, it also shows teachers that you have a "real" interest in what they are teaching. and the last reason I have is the teachers that you give that 110% in they will give you some of the best teacher recommendation letters. (Which you will need when applying to colleges and scholarships) 

This one is probably one I should not have to say but, you actually have to set time aside and study. If you do not know how to study then think of the times you made a really good grade on something and try to do what you did then. (That doesn't mean to cheat.) I also would highly recommend that you find a space either at home or somewhere around your house to study. This helps so much because when you are on your bed or at the kitchen table you can easily get distracted. I would put my phone on silent and have a timer go off every 30 mins to take a 5-20 minute break. This helped e retain so much more information, especially if I would do it a couple of days before a test. There are many ways people learn like visual, auditory, verbal, and there are a couple more. 

Lastly, consistency is key. When you start, try really hard not to stop because it will become a habit to do these things. When they become a habit in your life it will be a better thing for you in the long run. Going into college you will know what makes you learn the material and make better grades. It can also help you learn new materials in a job setting. 

So in conclusion, these five tips that I have listed will help you achieve a 4.0 GPA. The five tips are: setting a goal, attend class and pay attention, putting 110% into the work, study, and being consistent. I hope this helps you as much as it did with me. 


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