8 Side Hustles For Anyone

 So you want to learn what ways can make you money. These are all legit and I have tried them and so far they have done really well. If you want to have more freedom and make more money then you have come to the right place. I will start with ones that are more high paying and that are passive. All of these are free and remember they are not a scam! 

What can a side hustle do for you?

Well here is a list of things that I have accumulated that having a side hustle can do. 

  • It can help you break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck.
  • It will also allow you to save more money faster.
  • It can help you live your best life by not having to worry as much about money. 
  • Gives you more financial freedoms
  • Can have flexible times
  • Can work anywhere you like 

So here are some ideas to make money from home as a side hustle 

1. Having a blog. 

A blog can bring in a little bit of income, it depends on how up to date you keep it, and if your content is useful. Blogs also can allow you to put ads in your content to have some more money coming in from that. You can also put in affiliate links. 

There are many places you can make a blog. Some places do ask you to pay a small fee per month, these types of places are going to offer you a better platform to work off of. If you do not want to pay fees right now because you are starting off, the platform I am using is bloggers.com which is totally free.  

2. Opening an ETSY shop.

Etsy is a very well known place where people most times go there for things that are made personal. This website does have fees. You can sell pretty much anything on this website. It also can take a lot of promotional work for your work to be seen and to be successful. Though Etsy is one of the easiest places to set up a shop. But, do not expect it to take off soon, you will have to work at it for a while. I will recommend to find a niche and stick with it. 


There are a lot of kids out there that do not have a clue about a certain subject. Well nowadays with the virus there are online tutoring platforms like tutoreme.com that will hire you. You can pick one subject or many subjects to tutor kids over and charge whatever you like. This one you are putting more time into because the more kids you tutor the more money you will receive. 

This type of side hustle, depending on who you go threw to be a tutor, will either be work at your own time or they tell you a time. I would be sure to figure out which platform you like that you can understand their website and that it works with your scheduling. 

4. Start a dropshipping/ eCommerce store

An eCommerce store is basically where you can upload a design and they take care of the rest. So you do not have to worry about inventory or shipping the products. This you can also let it run for itself, if you want to make more products for people to see the more likely that you will make more money. 

This kind of side hustle when starting out you may want to has some money set aside because you have to pay the price for it then whoever you are letting the company handle your stuff ship it the customer pays you back. It is a process, but if you sell on there you do not have to worry bout anything else but paying and getting paid back. 

5. Affiliate links

When you have a blog you can add affiliate links that will give you a certain percentage of the profit that they get. Some companies will actually ask you to represent their products and talk about them. This is also another way to do affiliate links. 

This you will not have to pay anything for, but you may have to go and email products that you like and ask them to provide a link. You may or may not be able to get these, it just depends on who is sponsoring you. 

6. Acorns

With acorns, they take your money that you give them and they will invest it into what they think is most likely going to help you make money. This is an app that can be more complex learning how to maneuver. This is an investment so it can either grow or you will be losing money in that company. This is one of the riskier things to do as a side hustle. 

7. Online Survey 

There are multiple places you can go to make money off of surveys. This will not be passive income and it will not give you a lot of money. In a month I couple probably make $20.00 but that's about it.  You can go to surveyjunkie and be able to sign up for free and earn the little amount that you get and invest it into something else because 20 dollars can go along way.

8. Transcribe Audio 

There are certain websites that will pay you top dollar for you to read allowed. Most of these websites are free. You can choose what time you want to be able to read and send them the product by a certain time that they want it in. This can be very time consuming depending on how long the book/chapter are

I hope that these helped you find a good side hustle to start out with. If you have any comments or concerns please comment down below. 


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