How to succeed in college classes

 Success in college classes is pretty easy in my opinion, but it may not be for you. I have installed in myself lots of habits that make it easier for me as a college student to succeed. These tips and study hacks should help inspire you to make your own plan of attack for college. Now, let's get to it! 

One of the first things I would do after signing up for the class is to print out the syllabi. When printing these things out make sure to actually read them after. When I started this college journey I would throw them away, and this actually ended up hurting me in the long run. Go through the syllabi and highlight anything that is important information. Always highlight what they would do with late work, some professors do not take late work at all and others will take it if it's only a couple of days late. 

In the syllabi's you recognized from all of your professors get a binder for each class. This will help you stay more organized and find things just for that class. You also need some type of calendar. In this calendar, you need to write down any future dates you need to know. You will also need to write out how that teacher weighs your stuff. For example:  PY101- assignments 15%, tests 25%, projects 20%, and exams 40%. That means for you to make good grades in this class make sure you do really well on your exams and tests. 

If you can email that teacher before you ever even start that class then it will get that teacher interested in who you are. Tell that teacher in that email something across the line of I love this subject and I cannot wait to start this class and get to know you. When you walk in the room, go up to the teacher and say hello I'm..... and I emailed you the other day. It's such a pleasure to meet you I cannot wait to start this semester off with this class. 

This way if you are ever having trouble in that class you can ask that teacher for help. The teacher will feel more comfortable with helping someone who seems to put more effort into talking to them. It will also make them want to help you to succeed more than others because you are trying to make a statement (even if you cannot stand that subject)

Now that you have talked to your professor you may want to ask them if they are looking for anything specific in their students. Some will actually tell you and hint hint you should try to do those things because you will stand out more. Others on the other hand won't and say that they just want you to be you, well then you should just try your best.

How should I study??

Honestly, studying is not a thing until you get to exam time. If you get a book make sure you manage your time to read it. Reading is one of the things that not all people like, but if you do not read the material you will not do great. 

Every person is different, so every person's study habits are different. Personally, I and a visual learner, and I have to repeat things many times to remember them. As long as you find your way of studying stick with it. 

Make things into stories, this will help you learn what happens in order for some things. I would make some of the lessons for some beginner college classes (101) into stories and passed with flying colors. You can also make quizlets. I have made many quizlets over the years, and they are very time consuming when putting the information in. Flashcards are also one of the more old fashion ways of studying, and it still works. 

If you are looking for a way to have some practice before an exam you call look at google scholars. google scholars allow you to type in the class and exam and it will find old exams that the teacher has made for that class. This way it gives you like a study guide and will help you understand the format that the teacher likes to use on exams.

I hope these things will help you in your college journeys. I would love to get to know you people so feel free to contact me whenever. Also, please leave comments if you think I left anything out. 


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