Good Habits to start in the New Year

 I have created a big list of habits that are not only good for you but will help you become your best self that is possible. This list is a combination of things that I have and that I am still working on. You do not have to do all of them, just choose a couple to start on and build from there. So good luck and hope this list helps you!

1) Wake up early. Now, this may be different for every person. For me, I am a night owl so my early is 9am. For other people early might mean wake up whenever the sun comes up. So, whatever your definition of early is go for it. This will give you the opportunity to get more things done in the day and feel less drained as the day goes on. 

2) Make that bed. I know what your thinking... well duhhh who don't know that one. You would be quite surprised about how many people do not do this one. During the pandemic, this became one of the things I started to do and it made me feel more productive and it also got me out of the bed and working on other things besides daydreaming. This for sure will make your room look cleaner and more put together and you will feel more accomplished. Hint hint it takes like 2 seconds to do this so just do it. :)

3) Hydrate!!  A good habit to get into is to make a dedicated water bottle that you fill-up the night before to put on your nightstand or by your bed. In the morning when you wake up go ahead and drink all of the water. That way you are hydrated and ready to start the day. Do not forget to drink water throughout the day though. 

4) keeping your life put together with a calendar. A calendar can help you with lots of things. Like, planning parties, planning vacations, and planning your day to day life. When you have to remember things off the top of your head it can get sorta all jumbled up and disorganized. Calendars will for sure help you keep it together. Start by at the beginning of the year write out everything you currently know about and as soon as you find out something new just go ahead and put it in there. 

5) Exercise. This can be interpreted in many different ways. If you want to be relaxed then a walk will do to clear your head. If you really want to exercise then you can go on a run, biking, or go to the gym and if you cannot go to a gym then make your own weights at home. This can be fairly easy to do. If you can not make any weight because you have kids or something if you have stairs go up and down them lunging. 

6) Have a time in the day for positive affirmation. My mom taught me that when I am getting ready for the day in the bathroom to think in my head about the things I like about myself. Basically, tell yourself you are the bomb dot com, that you are drop-dead gorgeous, and that you are smart and funny and everybody just wants to be like you. These kinds of things will help improve your confidence and self-esteem. 

7) Set goals for yourself. Making big goals can be hard to accomplish in a short amount of time. Making small goals to meet to create that one big goal will help you stay dedicated to keeping going headstrong. Make this list fairly short so that you can see progress within yourself and then when you accomplish that goal move onto another goal that you have for yourself. 

I hope that these goals will help you within this amazing new year. God bless you all and stay safe. If you have any habits that you have that I have not mentioned that have changed your life for the better please leave a comment. 


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