How to be a college student in high school

 So if you are a high school student and want to be a college student then this is for you. This is quite difficult and will require lots of dedication. You will also be required to keep up with all of your stuff and will not be reminded to turn your work in. This is not like high school and depending on your teacher they also may not accept late work. Just a disclaimer, this is what I have done to get in, but it may not be the same process for you. 

How to get to be a college student?

1) Start by trying to have a couple of ideas of what major you want to be in. This will allow you further down the line to determine what classes you want to take to help you get more advanced after you graduate. Normally all the base classes are the same, but some colleges put them in a different order. So that is something you may want to watch out for.

2) You want to also start researching what colleges have all of the ideas for a major you have. Then see if they have a list of classes you need to graduate. Compare what they all have in common and circle them or star them. This will also help you down the road. You want to try to keep the ones that have the most in common (this will also help you figure your major out) This will allow you to transfer later down the line if needed. 

3) Now that you have a list of colleges chosen. Check their pricing on tuition!! I know this is not something you want to think about when you just want to get ahead, but if you end up going there and they are higher priced then expect to pay more. If you get scholarships and go to a lower-priced college and they have the same major then go to that college. This does not always work, and this is why, If the college that is lower priced and has a bad reputation. You want to make sure that that college is somewhat well known. You do not have to go to the best or most well-known school to get a degree that is priced better. 

4) See if the college is somewhat well known for your major. If they are then when you go out into the real world they would hire you without a doubt. This is all because that college is well known for what your major is in. 

5) Now that you have all of that out of the way, it is time to apply. You have to make sure that you apply on the dual enrollment kind and the undergraduate one as well. Make sure that you put your GPA because this will help you stand out. You can apply to however many you want to. Some colleges do have a fee that you have to pay to even apply. At the college I chose I just had to have a tour and I got a discount code. Highly recommend printing it out after you get done with the application (some places will lose them), if you make more than one copy then send it through the mail. You should receive an acceptance letter through the mail within a couple of weeks to a month, so just be patient.

6) Yay, now that you have been accepted you are officially a college student. You need to talk to your counselor at your chosen college. They will help you figure out how many classes you want to take and how long and all the nitty-gritty details. 

7) Your first day at your college you will need to go to the students center(office). The people there will take your picture for your student id (you also need to ask your parent if they know it and if they don't it should be on your ACT papers) It is important to know this id number because they will link all of your cards to this one so you can pay for things on your campus with this card. These kind people will also help you figure out where your classes are and give really good directions. 

Congratulations on now being a high school student in high school !! 


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