Tips On How To Become More Photogenic

 I have had many experiences being the person taking the photos and the model in the photo. These are some of the things that have gotten me into really great positions and opportunities. 

What's my story about this topic? How did you get to the lace you are today? 

Well, when I started taking pictures/selfies they were always just one side of my face. I was also around 13 or 14 when I got my first phone. I was not very confident about who I was as a person. I had a time in my life that I felt depressed and didn't want to go to school and stay in my bed all day. One of the best pieces of advice my Mom gave me was every morning to go to the mirror. She said to me " say things about yourself that you like" and she continues with "for example, I have the prettiest smile and I have the most unique color of brown hair". When my Mom told me this I started to really think. What do I like about myself?  So now every day I get out of bed and list off some things that I like about myself. This will make your confidence grow. 

Now that I have more confidence, now what?  Well, now how will you pose?

When learning how to pose I highly suggest doing it in your room(bathroom works too) with a mirror. Now get to where you can see yourself and smile. Ok, Zoey, that's plain and boring so nobody will like my photo on Instagram. Yes, I am fully aware that it is boring so, figure out what parts of yourself that you like the best. Also, you want to create triangles with your body. 

You can also tilt the camera to create an extra dimension. Another nice skill to learn is to edit your own photos. But the best thing you can do to learn how to pose is to hipe yourself up in front of a mirror. That way you figure out what poses make you look most flattering in. 

I hope these tips to be more photogenic helps you all. Have a wonderful day and God bless you all !!
If you have any comments or concerns please leave a comment. 


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