
Showing posts from January, 2021

How to succeed in college classes

 Success in college classes is pretty easy in my opinion, but it may not be for you. I have installed in myself lots of habits that make it easier for me as a college student to succeed. These tips and study hacks should help inspire you to make your own plan of attack for college. Now, let's get to it!  One of the first things I would do after signing up for the class is to print out the syllabi. When printing these things out make sure to actually read them after. When I started this college journey I would throw them away, and this actually ended up hurting me in the long run. Go through the syllabi and highlight anything that is important information. Always highlight what they would do with late work, some professors do not take late work at all and others will take it if it's only a couple of days late.  In the syllabi's you recognized from all of your professors get a binder for each class. This will help you stay more organized and find things just for that class. Y

How to be a college student in high school

 So if you are a high school student and want to be a college student then this is for you. This is quite difficult and will require lots of dedication. You will also be required to keep up with all of your stuff and will not be reminded to turn your work in. This is not like high school and depending on your teacher they also may not accept late work. Just a disclaimer, this is what I have done to get in, but it may not be the same process for you.  How to get to be a college student? 1) Start by trying to have a couple of ideas of what major you want to be in. This will allow you further down the line to determine what classes you want to take to help you get more advanced after you graduate. Normally all the base classes are the same, but some colleges put them in a different order. So that is something you may want to watch out for. 2) You want to also start researching what colleges have all of the ideas for a major you have. Then see if they have a list of classes you need to gra

Tips On How To Become More Photogenic

 I have had many experiences being the person taking the photos and the model in the photo. These are some of the things that have gotten me into really great positions and opportunities.  What's my story about this topic? How did you get to the lace you are today?  Well, when I started taking pictures/selfies they were always just one side of my face. I was also around 13 or 14 when I got my first phone. I was not very confident about who I was as a person. I had a time in my life that I felt depressed and didn't want to go to school and stay in my bed all day. One of the best pieces of advice my Mom gave me was every morning to go to the mirror. She said to me " say things about yourself that you like" and she continues with "for example, I have the prettiest smile and I have the most unique color of brown hair". When my Mom told me this I started to really think. What do I like about myself?  So now every day I get out of bed and list off some things that

8 Side Hustles For Anyone

 So you want to learn what ways can make you money. These are all legit and I have tried them and so far they have done really well. If you want to have more freedom and make more money then you have come to the right place. I will start with ones that are more high paying and that are passive. All of these are free and remember they are not a scam!  What can a side hustle do for you? Well here is a list of things that I have accumulated that having a side hustle can do.  It can help you break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. It will also allow you to save more money faster. It can help you live your best life by not having to worry as much about money.  Gives you more financial freedoms Can have flexible times Can work anywhere you like  So here are some ideas to make money from home as a side hustle  1. Having a blog.  A blog can bring in a little bit of income, it depends on how up to date you keep it, and if your content is useful. Blogs also can allow you to put ads in yo

Good Habits to start in the New Year

 I have created a big list of habits that are not only good for you but will help you become your best self that is possible. This list is a combination of things that I have and that I am still working on. You do not have to do all of them, just choose a couple to start on and build from there. So good luck and hope this list helps you! 1) Wake up early. Now, this may be different for every person. For me, I am a night owl so my early is 9am. For other people early might mean wake up whenever the sun comes up. So, whatever your definition of early is go for it. This will give you the opportunity to get more things done in the day and feel less drained as the day goes on.  2) Make that bed. I know what your thinking... well duhhh who don't know that one. You would be quite surprised about how many people do not do this one. During the pandemic, this became one of the things I started to do and it made me feel more productive and it also got me out of the bed and working on other th